East Haddam Parks and Recreation
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Kids painting on a canvas.
Let's Go Camping: Ages 3-5.Have camping fun without leaving the art room! This camp takes us to an imaginary world where we will hike, build a campfire, create a nature tapestry and learn about wild animals. We will learn all about camp-ing by mapping our campground, design-ing our own camping trailer and “collecting” bugs in a jar. We’ll explore painting, printing, collage, nature tapestry and other art media. July 29-August 2, 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.

World Travel 3-D Art: Ages 6-10. Travel with us on this creative journey and change the way you see the world! Create 3D masterpieces inspired by world cultures. Learn about Chinese ceramics, Croatian “licitar” hearts, Maori design carvings from New Zealand, “nicho” boxes from Mexico and much more. Create art using a variety of materials, play games and understand that through art we can connect with people from all over the world. August 5-9, 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.


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